Briketes no zāģu skaidām vai malkas kurai degvielai ir vairāk priekšrocību?

Briketes no zāģu skaidām vai malkas kurai degvielai ir vairāk priekšrocību?

Šobrīd viedokļi ir dalīti. Cīņa par pārākumu, ja tā var teikt, starp apkures degvielām notiek starp zāģu skaidas briketēm un malku. Ņemot vērā globālo situāciju, gāze ir ievērojami zaudējusi savas pozīcijas un tāpēc vairs nav tik pievilcīga Rumāņu acīs.

Kādas ir atšķirības starp zāģu skaidas briketēm un malku?

Mitruma līmenis

Mitrums ir tas, kas veido lielu atšķirību starp zāģu skaidas briketēm un malku. Attiecībā uz malku tās mitrums var ļoti viegli mainīties. Pirmajā fāzē, kad malka ir svaiga, tai ir ārkārtīgi augsts mitruma līmenis. Tas ir daudz zemāks nekā malkai, aptuveni 90% sausas vielas.

Ja runājam stingri par kvalitatīvu zāģu skaidas brikešu iekšējo mitrumu, tam vajadzētu būt starp 6 un 8%.

Jo zemāks mitrums, jo augstāka siltumspēja un labāki sadegšanas rezultāti. Šeit zāģu skaidas briketēm ir priekšrocība, jo to mitrums tiek kontrolēts jau ražošanas stadijā, kamēr malka pēc nociršanas ir jāžāvē vismaz 6 mēnešus. Gan malku, gan zāģu skaidas briketes varat atrast

Heat capacity

Kā minēts iepriekš, siltumspēja ir atkarīga no mitruma līmeņa. Ja lietojat svaigu malku, siltuma ražošana būs vāja, degšana būs grūta un izdalīsies liels daudzums dūmu.

Zāģu skaidas briketes, ņemot vērā to, ka tām ir ārkārtīgi zems mitruma saturs, kas noteikts jau ražošanas fāzē, nodrošinās ļoti labu siltuma ražīgumu. Šis kurināmais palīdzēs efektīvi un īsā laikā apsildīt jūsu māju.

Ekoloģiskā ietekme

Pirmkārt, izmantojot zāģu skaidas briketes malkas vietā, jūs pamanīsiet zemāku pelnu saturu attiecībā pret izmantotā kurināmā apjomu. Tas nozīmē, ka jūs varēsiet vienkāršāk un retāk tīrīt apkures sistēmu.

Attiecībā uz dūmiem un smaku, ko izdala zāģu skaidas briketes, ņemot vērā ārkārtīgi zemo mitruma līmeni, izdalītā uguns dod tikai nelielu daudzumu dūmu. Runājot par malku, jo svaigāka tā ir, t.i., mitrāka, jo lielāks dūmu daudzums izdalās.

Labā ziņa ir tāda, ka zāģu skaidas briketēm var būt 2,5 reizes ilgāks degšanas laiks salīdzinājumā ar līdzīgu malkas apjomu. Ko tas nozīmē? Ka briketes deg grūtāk, bet izdala lielāku siltuma daudzumu. Būtībā, jūs labāk izvēlētos briketes pēc apjoma, salīdzinot ar malku.

Bet uzmanieties! Dedzinot zāģu skaidas briketes, var rasties problēmas, ja degšanas kamerā nav pietiekami daudz gaisa. Šādos apstākļos var rasties melni dūmi ar stipru smaku, kam seko ievērojami kvēpu nogulsnes.

Attiecībā uz tīrīšanu, zāģu skaidas briketes izdala ļoti nelielu daudzumu dūmu, kas nozīmē, ka tās ievērojami samazina skursteņa aizsērēšanas risku. Tomēr nevajadzētu atstāt novārtā apkures sistēmu, to tīrot ārkārtīgi reti. Stingri ievērojiet grafiku, lai neapdraudētu savu un savas ģimenes veselību.

Neaizmirstiet, ka varat atrast gan zāģu skaidas briketes, gan malku, visu par lieliskām cenām.

Social media

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do the pellets cost?

You can always find the current prices for pellets on our online store at

Is the pellet price inclusive of VAT?

The pellet price displayed before adding the item to the cart is excluding VAT. There are three VAT rates applicable for pellet purchases:

  • 0% – for legal entities that are VAT payers;
  • 12% – for private individuals;
  • 21% – for legal entities that are not VAT payers.

The appropriate VAT rate will be applied in the shopping cart when the customer specifies their status.

    Are the pellets available?

    If there is an option to purchase pellets on our online store and no notification indicating that the pellets are sold out, then they are available, and you can safely place your order.

    How long does pellet delivery take?

    The delivery time for pellets is variable and depends on demand and the season. In spring and summer, delivery takes 5 to 10 business days, while in autumn and winter, it may take up to 15 business days.But mostly our logistics company deliver it on those 5-10 days.

    What is the cost of delivery?

    Delivery costs will be visible in the shopping cart and are calculated automatically based on the desired quantity of pallets and inputting the precise delivery address (postal code is mandatory).

    How many pallets can be delivered with one truck?

    Within a single delivery, it's possible to transport from 1 to 10 pallets. If there are more than 10 pallets in an order, two trucks will be provided for delivery.

    What type of truck facilitates the delivery?

    The truck arriving at the delivery location is approximately 12 tons in weight, 9 meters long, 2.45 meters wide, and 4 meters high. The vehicle is equipped with a lift for unloading pallets from the truck and pallet wheels to move them from the lift. Please note that the driver will only move the pallet within a 5-meter radius of the truck's location.

    What must be ensured at the delivery address for successful delivery?

    If it is not possible to deliver the cargo due to the recipient's fault, costs for returning the goods to the nearest Schenker terminal will be incurred.
    There should be no weight-restrictive signs on the road. Standard delivery is carried out with vehicles whose gross weight exceeds 10 tons.
    If the customer has restrictions on the width or height of the access road, there is an option for:

    • Delivery to be split and carried out with a vehicle with a gross weight of 5 tons, which can provide a 2-ton delivery at a time. The customer will incur additional delivery costs (50% of the total delivery costs for each additional trip).
    • Delivery by a bus that can provide a 2-ton delivery at a time with reloading at the terminal and palletizing. The customer may opt for manual loading, as the weight of a single unit must not exceed 500kg.

    It is crucial that, when making deliveries to private residential areas, the driver has the option to exit from the delivery site. This means either executing a safe turning maneuver or exiting on the opposite side (without using reverse gear).
    The cargo recipient must respond to the driver's calls.
    Deliveries are not provided with a manipulator.
    The access road and gate width should be at least 4 meters wide. The road surface must be stable and firm to safely accommodate the cargo vehicle, which has a gross weight exceeding 10 tons.
    Please verify that low-hanging branches do not obstruct the truck's access. In winter, the access road should be cleared.
    When making deliveries to private residential areas, make sure there is a sufficiently large, open area for the cargo vehicle to maneuver.
    For unloading pallets from the truck, a solid ground surface is necessary for using pallet wheels to lower the pallet. If the unloading area has grass, gravel, or sand, please prepare a sturdy material (boards, metal/wooden sheets, etc.) on which the pallets can be placed.

    Will the driver bring the pellets indoors?

    The delivery service does not include bringing the pellets indoors, and this service cannot be arranged.

    How will I be notified of the expected delivery of my order?

    On the day your order is handed over to the courier, you will receive an SMS from DB Schenker to the phone number provided in the order. By opening the web link sent in the message, you can confirm the offered delivery date or choose a more convenient one. On the day of delivery, the driver will call 1 hour prior to arrival. And in that day you need to wait the courrier.

    How can I make payment for the pellet order?

    In the online store, you have the option to pay with a credit card or use online banking for your purchases. All payments made in SIA "Staļi" online store are secure, and complete protection of the payer's data is guaranteed. Cash orders only are acceptable when you are purchasing the products at our place.

    Can I personally pick up the pellets from the factory?

    Customers have the option to purchase pellets on our online store and pick them up at our factory located at Institūta iela 1b, Salaspils, Salaspils pilsēta, Salaspils novads, LV-2169. But before that you need to call +37127880012 to arrange your pickup. Payment for pellet purchases can be made through the online store and then you can pick the products up on our place; cash payments can be accepted only making order on our place.
